Sunday 30 January 2022

The mind!!!!!

 The way having lived him that way feels almost dream like to think of it ñow!!!!!

That's how long it's been!!!!!

Mind nai charlie the most beautiful ironic lil organ i say!!!!!

Reliving the moment struggling to hold back cause thats how long it had been having lived him that way or felt all those rushes rush through you!!!! Having lived that you after that long!!!!

It's like recalling it from the dream or from that meet for real the way it feels like one dream cause that's how long it's been...

Today to just realise after waking up the way that after feel hit you was something else......

It was a different missing!!!!!!

It's strange nai to think of it now how that much for Him feeling away that many things all at once and the same you otherwise don't feel a thing at all!!!!!!

All it took was just one dream and this you now like always transforms away and how!!!!!

This mind today this you today this one most helpless feeling how di you fight it get over with or hide away from......

He has that aura charlie almost magic like like a downtempo slow chill track the way the track moves with every wave of the slow beat Him too just exactly the same...with every blink of his eye the way his facial expression changes the way every lil detail of his moves that beautifully slow like it was intentional the pace was intentional allowing you live each one taking your own sweet time just so you could live it as much as you'd wanted to....

This mind now as you write !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This mind this heart this you today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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