Saturday 22 January 2022

Can't feel if not real...!

 This one thing charlie you can't feel something if it's not for real...!

Every single time to that first meet post bup cause obvsly you can't see your own face the second you see him but jnowbfor sure what and how your expression or face must be in that moment but you shouldve seen his face in thise moments charlie the second the first second he sees you the way his face used to light up that spark twinkle in his eyes that one smile ok him do you ever have that moment lucky enough to have a moment when your presence makes someone feel in a way that makes you feel realise God am loved and how , to you everytime you've looked at him in th8se moments his expression his eyes his smile was that and more for you!!!!!

From those moments to these dream ones to just feel his presence ways like doesn't seem random that beautifully connected with conversations and whispers sometime how do y9u even feel things if they aren't for real....

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