Thursday 27 January 2022

Sense of belonging...

 Our senses are an extension of us it's not something random or just a thing to be felt!

How a place person makes you feel what you share and how sharing it with that someone is different to that of any sharings how a place makes you feel what you sense in a moment sound or visual is all that you are!!!!

Just like the pink Floyd song goes all that you touch and see is all your life will ever be...

Exactly what your life will ever be...

Ever since him never felt before never felt it again not even for an instance.....

That sense of belonging to someone, like from the inside of you the way it feels like like no other feeling you've ever felt that sense of pull being pulled away from everything and closer to a point.....

It's like all in you being pulled that magnetic force kind almost to that one place or person.....and the way same way him looking at you at some corner and the way it makes you feel the way he could sense that change in you from a distance and come back to the car and mention bout the same exact thing......just bout to get into the car leaving for Bangalore that one stare with you standing with his family and him sharing that one moment with you just by looking at you and the way soon as he reaches Bangalore the first thing he mentions bout is that very stare...

T he way he always was passionate bout having to understand the language of a stare of just a lookk you exchange and you must know exactly what the message was where instances like these and that filmy love of his would come out!!!!!

It's that sense of being drawn being pulled to where you belong...

It's not upto you to decide to choose or walk towards or's how maybe we are wired as!

That sense of belonging firstly searching for it and to belong soon as you find it...not something you do but just the way it is!!!!!

No matter what story is playing in your current day that one sense that one feel of belonging to Him it's always been there charlie.....

No matter where you are what you are doing who you are with work home no matter where that one sense of belonging that one pull being drawn that beautifully consistent...

To just feel it right from that very first start of his walk towards you till today in this very moment as you write, that one thing that beautifully constant!

Prolly the only constant thing in your life...!

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