Tuesday 4 January 2022


 Today when there or for that matter in that moment of that elevator selfie his hairdo his almost f1 jacket where everytime you wear it now the way the manager comments like it is so oversized like it looks as if your bfs jacket on!

It's these lil things to the big things when there that sense of what you were back then to the you that was there today you had nothing nothing at all and yet had everything that you didn't know you wanted in life back then...today independent strong it's like everything changed in you but that one and most important bit of your life the Him in you only grew stronger with time.....today just being there in those places charlie that sense of how happy you were back then the happiest y8uve ever been in life...today no winder just reliving those moments there in those very corners was making you that happy you were just happy today being there after that long...

To that very turning of your Galli on your way back and you always forget but the way he just knew it that well as he slows down just at your Galli at that post bup meet and akss you when did you move out of there and you were shocked to see him still noticing that Galli at that exact point amidst that chaotic traffic too....

And you just look at him and the waaaaay he just smiles to that just by looking at your face in that moment he sure knew how amazed you were at him stil remembering your Galli that well....and you ask him you come often still and just that smile again and looks away!

It sure was long time back but if it was what why it still feels the way it does even today why all these feels the way you stilp feel the way you do in his places that same feel of his love for you even today live him in his very moments in the dream resolving your mind answering your questions away like he did in his this morning's dream....

If all this is there, then how could it be just you...!

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