Monday 3 January 2022

new years magic!

Just when you write after this long fone page axting weird!!!!!

Soooooo yaaah!!!!!

The story the place the vibe and most of all the track the words and that sudden feel it loads you with!!!!

That very same day this one dream that you've been getting this often where you are trying to stay strong of your mind and thus very same moment over n over again where he comes over in ways trying to reach out hold you and you in that strange state don't wanna move not give your hand to hold him maybe it's that thing charlie cause youve been struggling through days even in the waking state to not go by the flow of moments or dreams you dream andbjust take it to be your head instead but the way that one song of his c9nnected that beautifully to that dream of yours froknthat very morning where you could hear him feel his hand looking for yours and you try to move your hand away and the way he keeps saying Aisa Aisa karti haath de bolru like repeatedly just these words so much ki you wakeup looking for his hand like still in search for his hand to hold on to....

And the track the words they end with and that same feeeel of that strong pull and you add him back.....

It was that random to think of it charlie not even bout you but the waaaay it just made you feel like that connected in sync that beautifully with your moment from that very morning.....

And the after feels of that story of his is another story altogether only!!!!!!

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