Sunday 9 January 2022


 Music the absolute core of your life now!!!!!

With the dreams now almost fading away for the first time in years it's been a week with no absolute dream of his for the first ever time in years....

It felt weird very weird cause this never happened before ......

But these very moments out of nowhere the way they just take you back to a moment with him...

Watching Steve jobs movie today finally and the end scene that beautiful where he mentions his daughter about putting a thousand more songs for her into something that she can carry along or on similar lines as that!

The way it sort of gave you that time travel cloud to hop on and relive that moment!

On your birthday he gets you a Sony Ericsson walkman fone and days later just before leaving for Bombay again takes your fone and sits with his laptop on at his place with you and his sister with something....

Hour later in his room finally with just him gives you your fone back and tels you now can listen to all my music without waiting and you just lost in that one expression that one standard face when he is bout to mention or share something bout you he loved!!!!!

The way you just wait to hear some song you really loved in my car and play it over again just before getting off as I drop you home it's like you want the song in your head cause you can't have it other way with you to listen to it again....i can see it in your face the way you love some song and want to keep it that way with you!!!!

It's these things that you never had to tell him and also used to amaze you just by looking at you do something the way he always knew always what's on your mind or how you felt bout something...

His music and living that moment with him with his music just before getting off was your way back then to hold onto that moment for a bit longer the way it's always been bout living him with his music.....

And just like that with every song every moment loving him more!!!!!

The way that day he almost added all the songs that you used to listen and love in his car also the ones that he wanted you to listen and miss him with later!

What and how you feel bout music today is something else!!!!!!!

Nothing less than magic...

Today that scene of Steve knowing the love for music his daughter had and wanting to do something create something that would allow her to live that was that beautiful.....

Him knowing how much you loved his music the songs you loved listening to and wanting that bad to listen once home too he gives you that fone with his music and tells you this is why I got this fone now you have all my music in this.....

Even writing this now this feeling as you write and pause at same just recalling some moments can make you feel this, beyond words!!!!!!

U struggle to stay away from writing mainly for this very reason this feeeeeling it fills you up with!!!!!!!

The way that moment from the film stayed with you today...


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