Thursday 27 January 2022

Realities of Life...

 To understand relate corelate and live by the circumstances changes situation you face are simpler said than done.....

It's still simpler but the way waaaays you live your life dream through moments where him standing before you sleeping beside you waking you up holding you comforting you when in pain talking to you when you move away holding onto you when you try to walk away whispering you he still loves you things like these is one reality to waking up to another reality is the realities you just dono how to deal with!!!!

Can't call or take em to be just random cause the waaaaaaaaay he feeeels that real charlie in that very moment with the same continuity of a certain moment or confusion on your mind the way he is there with exactly that confusion resolving your fear n doubt away answering the exact same doubt of's like he was there to resolve that doubt of yours! 

It's with moments such such strong moments with him like these you just donn9 how to take it otherwise how could that Him from morning be that real from the actual him that goes the exactly opposite side of your story!

This one holding you closer asking you to stay closer to him and the other one telling you barely even remebers any of it!!!!!

Reading the book reading the moments andbidealogy of love n all that one feel i say no book in the world could possibly sumup the story you are living in....

Not even a closest moment to what you live and feel!!!!!

His daaadi his eyes his that one smile that literally is like your heart on his face i say to his heartbeat you could feel touch it all that strongly!!!!!!

It's like he was there for real even writing it now this feeeeeel as you blink and see him again from the dream this morning!

Things to do with you around you through you something as lil as your own hair and the way it all that beautifully laced with all things Him...

Timer hona tha nai!!!!!

Just like that one switch and wooosh bolke done!!!!!!!

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