Thursday 27 January 2022

coming to terms!

 The goodbye from him did quite turn out to be an eye opener for you!

All these days being on your own lying down with his music looking out clouds moving cars passing by people walking in n out world around moving away slow to fast late at nights with that trail of car lights over the flyover and the way you just couldn't get his words out of you!

It really is that easy eh!

And then this book happened talking bout loving someone at their worst or when they are broke.....and that one feel of realisation exactly what happens.....

Loving someone at their bad time or when they are not at their best is like trying to heal someone with your love you are not trying to make it better but you just love them and that itself sort of forms like a healing process to heal from whatever they are going through.....

But people heal and then you are on your own as they move away is also what happens?!

It's like a flashback of moments life that you blink through almost.....

There are these smallest baby steps that you working on your own cause in your mind all these years it was that same thing he is busy with work maybe he will comeback some day.....only this time it was more bout he didnt even remember it anymore and has moved on!

Some words nai they change away your reality poora ka poora!

It's like you suddenly wakeup after a long sleep and now you don't know where how to even start!!!!!!

What do you do first now that you are up!!!!!

It's like suddenly you are that lost trying to make sense of the life now!!!!!

Then there are these dreams all through your sickness miennts through the day and you don't know how to connect or deattach then from the reality and just consider them to be random moments or random dreams or the work of your own mind....

All that you'd felt all this while his places his miennts his dreams that sense of belonging all that nothing but your mind just your mind?!

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