Monday 3 January 2022

Magic in the moonlight...

 From that moment on to listening to all the lucky Ali songs of his possible as it had been that long for the first time ever when you decide to get a hold on the missing.....

But that one feeel charlie like you ask her to take home instead and with her on your laptop video calling family you stay out watching drive to survive that has you hooked cooked and booked i say!!!!!

Everything bout it is something you wait for the weekends for the only time you can spare to watch it without pausing and the way apart from the glam sham beauty of the race there's that much to learn bout business in itself like you asociate more now that you run and manage to lead how to manage things team work how to handle a team and works and craft of business like lil things to learn from it....again something that you only started watchjng post his love for F1!!!!

Back then your brother used to talk bout Michael Schumacher and being a fan of his driving n stuff and back then in your head it was regular car driving only now discovering learning the beauty of it....still a noob as he used to say when it comes to the basic core of racing but the overview is something you are hooked onto g9ogling the basics of the sport out with that thing to learn more bout the sport and the brand's associated with it....

Sooo yaaah from him to F1 it went i say back to the moment watching the series with ears mind and evrrythhhg plugged into his lucky Ali music and with that high state of mind over rose n beer combination leaning over the couch there were these moments charlie like suddenly with evry song you hold yourself lean over the couch still awake but that strange beautiful feeling of being held by him he was actually there in that moment with you the way everytime you experience a moment like this it takes you back to his words when you miss me just listen to my songs and......

It's like in thise moments you actually felt him hold8ng you being that close to you like after years that feeling of being held hby him in your waking state that your dreams it's almost everyday but in that moment you were still awake and yet could still feel being held by him even writing it now from that nite this feeeeeel!!!!!!

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