Tuesday 4 January 2022

some moments!!!!

 Whoww what a day!!!!!!

The timing that beautifully perfect...

To this moment now when you finally come down to write the day out that echo of his words....i have moved on ya shriya don't even remember it anymore!!!!!

It's like you feel still feel that much live that much in his places the way just the waaaay it all felt today to just live him in every corner of his place to relive the moments lilst of one's to the most beautiful ones ur Galli the gallis around his Galli ur apartment the wall that wall of memories from your staircase to his school to the lake to every lil nook n corner of the street laced with the most beautiful of memories and the waaaaay you could feel him everywhere his love for you every corner....

Only now as you write just bout to write that echo of his words and suddenly you are all by yourself....it's just you!

That very moment of finding a automobile checkered flag race jacket and that very instance he sure would've loved it to today just bout to get in the lift and your manager calls and talks bout heading to charminar to collect the packaging boxes as they were ready to be picked u9 and you instead tell her that you'll cóme along too that one Khushi charlie cause you knew you wanted to take the long route there a trip down the most beautiful memory of your life.....

Td oay just being in those corners of his the way it all stil feels the same that THAT much love.......

To just live him there in those corners charlie.....but this mind now there was that much to write out but the way just those whispers of his words just the way it's making you feel now in thus moment like suddenly it was just you all by yourself standing in his places it was just you!!!!!!

It's a ajeeb weird feeling like you were that happy when there but writing it now his words that echo constant echo!!!!!

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