Sunday 30 January 2022


 Aaj ajeeb laga charlie cause strangely all these years that feel every time you lived a moment like this one and then you wakeup there was that in some corner some day feel just there that one unsaid feel was there...

Today it felt different afterall that he did say then this morning waking up from that moment that one dream felt most different most helpless you've ever felt!!!!!

The way the moment was is on loop every single time you blink now that first initial denial bit soon as you wake up and look ar9und for him cause as always you could still smell his presence and thay search with it only after a bit when you realise the fact of waking up that one feeeeeel charlie to just know and realise it was a dream......that close that REAL and yet it was a dream....

How why what doesn't make any sense but that one feeeeeeel of running away to him that very moment or even writing and reliving it as you write now reliving him from that close as you write now to just run away to him hold him away for as long and more as you can to just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mind I tell you ever since the start today it's this ironically beautifully lost!!!!!

All you can see feel live HIM!!!!!!!

It's this sooooooo much of him that it's filled you with ekdumm see!!!!!!

This one way of living him you make sure to hide away your mind from cause you know the post feels it can leave you with!!!!

But this morning was different the waaaaaaaaay he did come charlie to just live him his presence that waaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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