Monday 3 January 2022


 Something's can change you that bad like all of you wanting to change a certain thing bend a reality and not take it to be real but eventually it all comes back to what it is who you really are and what something defines you is an extension of you is a part of you that completes you in a way thats beyond any reasoning or explanation...

U can do things but eventually it will come back to what defines you what completes you...everything he said was true but what if the him thats become of you is also that much more true.....

He did mention this one thing charlie you might not like the methat have become or i might not like younow but that thing happens when you give a chance take a chance to know to understand the now and when it comes to him or just loving someone in general you don't love their then now or tomo or how or what change you see in them now physically or attitude or person wise , you just love them as a whole with everything that they were or and have become now cause it's just love you can't love a lil something or that something or previous something or future something bout just love them as a whole with everything they are and come with!!!!!!

To him mentioning bout his hair and how he has changed and in your head thus one of conversational flashback running when you loved him as gundu too that adorably gundu how does hair or no hair's him charlie no matter what he says no matter what anybody says it just can't come out of you itna poora har jagah ghussa hua hai there's not a part of you that's without do you even get him out!!!!!

No matter what state of mind any music y8u find any food you eat you really like any lane you discover anything that amuses you in that very and every instance there's him...

How do deal with all this is another chapter only now that you actual mein know what and where you stand in his life!!!!!!

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