Thursday 6 January 2022

Happiness n Priorities!

 This article that you did come across about changes and growth in life, a business related write up!

The way it talks bout the real measure of happiness is either when you have absolutely nothing or when you have it all and yet what is it that makes you really happy...does that change as you grow or remains the same!

Today standing there it was that very same feeling charlie where in your mind you were happy like just bout happy cause of the growth mainly but that real sense of happiness that comes from the inside where you literally feel every lil organ part of you from the inside is happy like you can feel the insides of you with that big wide smile all across on the inside.....

To you it's always been Him...!

Today when there it didn't make you that happy it was just that sense of growth and achievement after all that hard work just bout that!

That feel of the insides with a big teethy wide smile wasn't there!

The same when at his places around thebcorners days back made you that happy even with his absence to just relive him relive those moments made your organs literally smile i say!

Be it back then ultimate level of happiness I say to today....amidst all these changes that one thing remains constant!

And HOW!!!!!!!

This one day today felt different hit on a different level i say!!!!!!!

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