Monday 3 January 2022


 Just when you decide to get a hold on your mind changing habits changing everything to get off writing just cause of the after feels it loads you with…’s like always the missing just gets worse one write down!

Some days you okay without writing and on some like today one thing after the other or ever since that New Years night this one struggle to find that peace post writing your mind out….like you that baaaad just wanted to get it out of you just have it out in words to just say it out write it out feeeeel it out as you write and yet you stay away to day the start of the day dream last nite moment at work to coming back home to this set of pjs gift from your mom cause you’d been wanting one for long the design name Iktara cause it had stars all over and of all the colors it was in his navy color….

Wearing something’s specifically this feeel every single time and no matter how much ever deny or struggle to deny certain things the way it just flows through you breathes through you like makes you come alive in an instance……it’s that andar wali feeel charlie it just feels different!

Not your head not your thought but you put on something related connected with him and just that vibe while vibe of that moment the sec you put it on!

Something else!!!!!!

Had to be saved!!!!!

Lil did you know the start of this year will feel this different where you were that sure of changing things within you but then again it’s not upto you nai!!!!!

From painting your nails away in your head it was like an changing okay every lil thing bout myself 2 days on and you keep looking at your hand didn’t feel like your own….get it off and that very second humma!!!!

Is also when you re realise again it’s definitely been too long like he had said but also with that long time you’ve become something else become more Him even writing this down after this long this one pause as you write…..

Before mind gets ajeeb the iktara moment…!

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