Wednesday 12 January 2022

Stadium day...

 The day when you had to get some design changes rechecked for packaging and instead decide to find the way to the stadium....

Somehow pooch pooch ke get your way and once finally there the way it has changed that much the complete area as one poora temple setup with almost forest around now....

Still at the entrance that one state of mind in an instance couldnt hear a thing sense anything else for a min or two where the manager comes and stands before you waving at you asking if you could still listen to her as she talks bout some important client video call she had to attend to in car and you just walk towards the spot where you could see the stadium from it was like despite of the changes you were so sure of the path to the spot where you used to sit with him initially that is....but the first time being just standing at the empty path which now was a forest and that one feel of his words bout opera if you see how changed it is now you won't remember how it looked then but that day standing there shut your eyes for a bit and the way visuals that clear charlie like you just know that was there this corner and of all the people you have the worst memory posible but like always things to with him that one magic i say.....

To finally once there the way the sky was literally lit with eagles swaying away the rustlle sound of the trees n leaves around that beautifully calm and sexily nostalgic i say the vibe was soooo beautiful charlie like after very very long you actually felt that way when in some feel that strong connection that soul pulling when in some place like everything in you belongs to that one place like all of you comes that beautifully alive every sense in you nerve cell in you gushing with blood n oxygen i say.... heartbeat mind soul body in that oneness with some place it was all this and much much more the waaaay just the wAaaay you felt when there.....

It was just something else....

Sit down play his gypsy soul and just be for an hour or so with not many people around and some pantulu asks to take the darshan whi h you don't anymore so you just be...

That hour one hour of pure magic...

Every moment lived there with him from the very first time to most of your other firsts with him there flash through you....ur first nose chummi first color of his love to being caught by the cops all of this n more same place...

That first moment of realising how the person standing beside you without a word being said felt different like you'd never felt before that day that noon was when youd decided you are not going to marry and go home andbtell the same to your mom....

It was that very place that pretty much changed it all for you!

The way he just knew that day itself after spending those wordlessly beautiful hours with you there about to head home and you turn just bout to get in the car and the way he just looked at you that day with that one smile and that day when there that moment was so sooo clear the way he just looked you in the eye and was that sure you felt something for him and the next day even asked you will you still go ahead with the marriage.....

It's like some places nai charlie give that meaning add that meaning make that bit of sense with why you still feel this way the way you do...

It was only once home that sort of disturbed you again....

It's like you were on a flight ever since there on your way back home fro there the mind I say that beauuuuuuuuutifully high on him!!!!!!

And once off it the way the reality hit you away and how!!!!!

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