Sunday 30 January 2022

A missing...!

 This thing charlie bout missing him it's like a heartbeat now your way of life now....

But it's like when you live a missing like this one the way just sort of draws that line away that huge difference!!!!

To a missing like that one to a missing like this one that you are feeling ever since the dream this morning even writing it now this missing that's rushing through you...

Cause that's how close you lived him from lived his details in that zoomed up version of the moments and then living a moment like that one that you by now pretty much did forget what it really feels like cause that's how long it's been having lived a moment experienced a moment like that one....

To live it to live him that way from that up close and the way it's left you feeling like like this now!!!!!!

His details charlie the way they've been your most loved things on the face of this planet i say...those versions of his expressions as you live from close feel touch away his beauuutifyl details and the way his eyes trace away your hand feeling em away letting you live him just as you wanted to.....something's you wanna write so soooooo bad in that hope of it getting better after you write it maybe...or knowing it just might get worse even wrose after writing it out or you obvsly can't write out such details.....

This beautiful dilemma beautiful helpless feeling it left you with this morning...

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