Monday 25 July 2022


 Some memories can never just get over!!!!!

Versova was that one meet no matter how many times you write it out live it out feel it out the waaaaaaaays it just makes you feeeel away every single time......

It was the longest time you'd been with him just you n him that way for the first time ever.....also cause that also was the day you felt lived that love of his for you after the bup for the first time...and HOW!!!!!!!

right from that moemnt when he texts you if you can meet in the noon where you were just out for something with your aunt that day and you rush away to this corner just so can hide away your face and that rush of him rushing through you like always.....and that ofc fataaaak yes that comes along and you even mention being in Ghar ka clothes and didn't want to waste away the time changing back or something and he mentions come as it you instructions over messages cause there was no WhatsApp back then....multiple messages his usual way of telling you the directions cause that's how well he knew bout your geographical skills....lilst left right stuff minute landmarks and also asking you to keep a straight face like you knew the roads before the auto wala on your way there.....

Right outside his apartment that vieeeww of the beach also cause you needed that min to calm yourself down just before meeting him cause that one rush charlie THAT one rush mins before seeing him has always been there right from the start even if be it back then seeing him every single day mins before seeing him that one rush constant!!!!!

It's that heiiiights of Khushi for him to just see him live him was always there!!!!!

That day too and ask him to come out for a min and that one voice one sound of him saying his usual signature style even as you write now that one echooo of his voice that very moment se that you can still hear.....whaatsaaap!!!!!

There is that sense of biggest smile evry single time he would say it away some moemnts you write and thus sudden realisation of yeaaaaars it's been!!!!!!

That long, very very long !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's this sudden feeeeeel this very moemnt that realisation left you with.....ekdum se!!!!!!

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