Thursday 21 July 2022

To live someone...!

 Said it before will say it again.....

To love someone maybe one thing but to live someone as you love is a totally different thing altogether!!!!

Be it the experience the whole vibe of it or the experiences it leaves you with or even the after of it for that matter is whole lotta different than to just love someone away...

Again the beauty the art and the magic of knowing understanding what it is to live someone as you love was something you did learn from he loved and lived you away and how!!!!!

This mind today just this beautifully lost even as you were reading this amazing book but the way the mind keeps reading the same sentence over n over again is when you know it just is not in right state to read away....cause that one fraction of a moemnt keeps playing on loop!!

Sometimes nai charlie just that one lilst moemnt can do that away to you...just that one moemnt again all thanks to the art of living someone in lilst of your things......

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