Monday 25 July 2022

just days like these...

 Right from the very start that one glimpse of him the waaaaaaaaaaay he just came thus morning the state of mind you already were in to that mail of a pop up exhibition in Bombay to that call for the the second anywhere for any reason the sound of Bombay versova the waaaaays it just brings him along and HOW!!!!!!

Just that wooosh woooosh bolke visuals it plays on loop that clear every bit of him sound of him chuckle of him stare and state of him like just a sound of Bombay and the mind just like that transformed....

From something him to all of him away woooooosh bolke!!!!!!

A lil bit of work and somehow mind just wasn't feeling it and take the day off also cause you had to pick a few things and head over to srujana mall......on the way this feeeeel also cause it was a long drive the weather the feeeels and the him be it from this morning or just that sound of the word Bombay.....and this one suv right beside speeds away with just one hand that comes out of the video hand wearing that same beige cream tone jumper knit kinda thing that he had on in that versova meet at his place that you looooooooived on him like the person just adjusts the sleeve away and let's the hand be over the window pane...

Like who even doest that logically speaking like get the hand out literally in the middle of the jam adjust the sleeve and let the hand be that it literally was look am here kinda vibe of sign...

That very sight and the very same sec seeee that rushhhhhh of him rushing all through you just like it happens with that red n blue striped t shirt of his spotting it anywhere and thus weird beautiful thing your hand fingers start to feeel away.....

Today that one visual too just that bit more cause of the zillionoments througbthe day of feeeeling him away in that similar jumper of his......

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