Tuesday 26 July 2022

THIS mind!!!!!!

 THIS mind now!!!!!!!

When you just knowswwsswws it's gone to that level ofmisseing now where you can barely type and get the right words out!!!!!!

That one wait and yet that constant stare like he wanted to and again doesn't......tying your hair in his washroom comes stands beside hisbface over your shoulder looks into the mirror ahead and in ishaara says perfect together in ishaara.....

The way he holds onto your hand with one hand and with the other opens the door and then waves saying a bye with his other hand still holding your hand....only after you look at it that one look in the eye and you ask him to drop your bahar tak comes along initially comes close to you like he was just bout to make you hold his hand whilst walking like he used to then moves a lil away.....

Cross the road and you tell him with that one excitement there's no auto only and wait again still looking at him with that one filmy scream he just might rukjaaaa!!!!

Like mind constant inside any moemnt he just might and there it was the auto him still looking at you and you finally hadbto get in....turn around through that lil auto window see him still standing there turned towards you like he was waiting for you to turn and there you were living him n his sexy khaki chaddi legs through the window....

Some visuals again......

On your way back text him saying you were missing him already and not expecting a reply and then suddenly he does text backwith a me too.....

After that there was none..

Like that day you were somehow sure bhi he won't meet again but the waaaay the heart was in the way of the mind.....nai nai he will for sure he will!!!!

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