Friday 22 July 2022

Him = Vibe...

 The whole vibe!!!!!!

He has always been this one complete vibe of his own......there's something that beauuutiful special different distinct thing bout his presence bout all of him anything to everything him like a vibe of his own only......

Same exact same feels this one dream like you could relive it all away after years for the first time after this longest of gap.....

His touch that feel of him reassuring his love for you that touch that holding your hand slowly tightening the grip taking your arm closer to his chest his face his smiles his stare that one gaze lookingnyiu in the eye trying to make you realise he was taking you to some place you just the way he was holding you away his touch charlie his chummi eveyryhjnf just the way he was like it all had that vibe after very long.....

Even as you write the way you keep losing thatvsense of reality and forget it's a dream.....cause that's how real the dream HE felt in the dream that real...... like you could feel him his orsence his voice sound of him singing his lips moving saying something to finally saying it.....

This one dream and this you now it's left with!!!!!!

Kya hai yeeee charlie!!!!!!!!

Like howwwwwew!!!!!!!!!!!

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