Tuesday 26 July 2022

Most beautiful irony!!!!

 The most beautiful irony of the day of the start to the day was he had left the switch on forbyou and HOW!!!!!!

Tried working out but the way the mind was feeeeeling away things and akele akele giggle away through the workout with that inside talk mode oh yeaaah so you are a woman again this morning......like all that rush of him mind body soul playing around that lil game where the outside you struggles to keep up with cause this one face when it comes to anything him becomes that much more evident with almost a glow sign board where anybody can oracticcaly read out what's on your mind.....

Soon after a while manager walks in with these fabric samples and heads to the kitchen for breakfast her fone right there and runnnnnn to the washroom with it and I swear charlie that one moment was that in sync like made for you kinda vibe to that moment.....

All this while stopped watching his stories after the hiroshima factor for abfew days or week it was but ever since this serieß of dreams n waking up strikes back harder thatvone wait for him to post and doesn't happen for the longest time....finally today that most beloved circle around and his words !!!!!!!

First one a cuteeeee curled up cat picture in a snooze mode and him with entertain what the weather demands ohhh if only you knew that one loud scream inside cause the second you read it the morning moments rush through you and the second one with plants and that one line shut your mind and feel it.....

There it was , letting yourself to feeeeeeel away all of him and HOW!!!!!!

it was like his words literally spoke to you like you answer away the confusion inside of you.....to just leave the otehreise thinking aside and to just feeeeeeeeeeel Him away!!!!!!!!

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