Friday 15 July 2022


 Iilst of moemnts like these and this one big accumulation of all him feels through the day and evry single night moemnts before the mind gets hazy with sleep the mind sort of replays it all away.....

It's this habit of years now like in your head it's all bout reliving him traces of him away througbthe day just before falling asleep....again not somethung that you do intentionally it's just the way it is...

Happens that naturally like the mind all of you with that need to just live him away just when it starts to get hazy...and now with years it also is your most loved time just before falling asleep...

And off late when yove been avoiding writing the very moemnts just so you feel less of a fool reading these very details as you write's just feeling weird charlie now!!!!!!

How did you not see it understood it when he has been that clear always with the distance with the keeping you off him best way possible!!!!!!

It's you that he has a problem with how could you not understand this very obvious logic all these years!!!!!

And yet again that one string of magic drops over with a random chill out playlist playing and that how you donno had his lucky Ali song o Sanam.....after going one full week without lucky Ali it finally happens.....

Whatta drop it sure was...!

Magic does exist for real or its just random moemnts another dilemma to that of the dream and the waking state of life...

Mind i tell you off late in another zone only Aaj kal!!

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