Friday 22 July 2022

The run...!

 Just donno where or how to even start!!!!!!

It's been one lost trip like it all was coming back to you and how dreams just felt like it was all your mind.....

Who hota nai charlie like suddenly it all feels different in a not so good way like it doesn't make any sense and ekdumm see you are lost!!!!

There have been dreams all this while all these years but the way this one today just felt that different something like you haven't felt before cause he was making you feel that way assuring you reassuring you even writing it now somehow feels a lil foolish but what and how it made you feel is all that mattered today!!!!!

Cause he was there literally there and H9W!!!!!!

Donno how it started but again in the woods not with the talk trees this time there were these fences all around and you look around trying to find an opening to the fence just so you could make your way out of it....and you don't find it look a lil more a lil farther butall you see are fences all around.....and this one hand on your shoulder and that feeeeeeeel like the second you feel that touch that same urgency to sniff away his presence and there he was....the second you realise it's him that one slow humm of a song that he starts to sing as you trun around him in his full glory of his full grown daaaadi navy blue shirt white chaddis looking his beauuuuuuuutiful best!!!!!!

Still singing away like you could see his lips moving singing but couldn't really understand which track it was and your mind eyes glued on his lips this time for another reason trying to make sense of which song it was he was humming away......just with that smile of his in ishaara asks you to come along...

Just holds the last finger of your hand with small steps initially and then turns around looks at you with that ayyaaaaaaaaaaaaa heart all of you melting away smile of his takes a few quicker steps and then slow run holding your poora hand this time and before you know or realise you were out of that fence like it was all fields around stil runing along with him donno what or why you just stop for a second and the waaaay he holds you away from the waist and tells you with that one nod of his don't stop now......nods away and holds you closer and a moemnt holds back your hand and continue wit that run......

Some moemnts you relive that one moment like that one second when he nods his signature nod and asks you not to stop the waaaaaay it just hit you in that moennt charlie was different!!!!!!!

Like lil did you know what was ahead of you!!!!!!!

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