Sunday 3 July 2022

The hiroshima factor!

 It really slammed or bombed your face away with the reality of the situation today.....

It's just this one feeeel charlie all this while you've been such a fool nai!!!!!

Catching moments of his away dreams and through your day, stealing away lilst of something's of him off his story just so you fill up this missing away!

Till that moennt of realisation hits it really is not bout who it is, it could also be someone he felt humiliated with still be closest to him and you with no space what so ever........

Leave alone being on his contacts how the block never goes away or off...

It suddenly made you question away a lot of things you neve messaged him on your own never unless you see the change or something and it still it feels like it's too much to have your presence in anyway around for's like something that wrong you've done and this always remains this one question what did you do that wrong to him.....could have anybody on the face of this planet but you!!!!!!

It's that feeel of standing on the outside looking in and realising where you stand actual mein for real in someone's life right there outside n beyond that line!!!!!!!

What were you even doing thinking dreaming feeeling away all this for never made sense still doesn't!!!!!!

It was the worst lost feeeling just visually live your presence in someone's life!

Even writing this feeel out now this zoned out statevof you can't get the real feeel out in words...

Anybody but you.......wonder what the worst thing possible that you evr did was!!!!!

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