Monday 25 July 2022

Versova 4!!!!!

 He knew you your details your silence your loud screams to anything to everything lilst details which nobody including your mom never did...

Like these were something you never had to tell him verbally he would just know it!!!!!

That day that moment too like that one stare that one sound n tone of his voice as he looks at you and syas it this very clear...just that lil hint of smile low tone sexy voice of his and he says it with a wider smile that follows after saying it!!!!!!

And that sudden rush soon as you live that moemnt live that stare n sound of his!!!!!!

Like ekdum seeee everything inside you speeeeds up and how!!!!!!!

Don't say a word just some nod and in ishaara asks you to sit on the other just was the most beauuuuuuuutiful feeeeling you'd experienced for the first time...

There was the queitness no sound nothing no touch nothing and yet that one rush on the inside like he could sense it away even with the distance.....that one smile constant that one stare constant and you keep looking yaha waha and he starts to play some music with working on making his psy beedi and asks you for the same andbyou just nod away saying how never did after him...

To just live him that day charlie his lilst details his sound of voice stares his touch his closeness him standing at the kicthen getting Maggie and looking you from there itvwas just magical beyond the whole meeet in itself one trip!!!!!!

Cause you were that beauuuuuutifully high on him high on his love on evrything him!!!!!!

That first moemnt of living him througbthe smoke that first moment when he finally comes close and lays over on your lap with that sound of just touch him feel his hair feeel his face his cheeks his face and as you just move your hand over the cheeks missing his lips the way he brings it closer and chummies away your hand dheere se.....

And in a way takes it over his face and turns to the side to find that comfort spot to just be for a moment....

That one feeeeeeel charlie after missing him that much to feeeeel live all of him away right there on your lap like your world right there infront of you to just hold him away chummiii his poooora face away him awaaaaay and yet let him live his moemnt cause he even shuts his eye for a bit with your hand still over his other side of the face!!!!!!

Howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you were missed maaaaannnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!  

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