Tuesday 26 July 2022

Back to versova!!!!

 All that while till that meet there were versions of being with him loving him in a way touch feels evrything was a lil different to post that meet.....

Cause of a certain moment the way it did bring you closer to him.....in a way that youd never felt before !!!!! Another one of your firsts again where things you aren't supposed to write but this mind just wants to fly awaaaaay floooaaat away today and there's hoepfullu no stopping it today just cause the waaaaaaay it feels like!!!!!!

It's that thing charlie right from that first second you see him like he plays around with you with his stares his distance his constant that kinda ammeltingyouawayatdistance and I know it smile of his.......like you know just plays a tease for a bit initially and how he loved doing that it's that line of undressing to being as you are kinda vibe of difference...that one line!!!!!!

Initially with that distant stare smile of his to coming a lil more closer to again going back to his couch and just looking at you and that one strong pull youbcould feeel away in that stare of his and go closer kneel down close to him near his knee and just play with his hair and the way he comes a lil more closer like allowing you to do so and you make these Johnny Bravo waves over his hair and the way as you do he keeps bringing his face close to your hand with that one girgeouuusssssly sexy shy smile of his and inky after you are done with that wave the way he messes it up and brings his face more closer just so you could do it again......does a few times and that one sudden lean over at the back and spreads his arms wide open and that one pull that one melt awaaaay moennt in his arms and second you hold him the waaay he says it that very second with that first tear in your eye ab tu Rona shurur karti nai......there was you on the other side with that finnnaaaaallky in his arms feeeeeel and crying your heart out with that level of happiness and even without a sound or anything he just knew you were......and the way he holds you tighter asvyiu don't say a word and same way falls back over the couch still holding you......

Some moemnts you recall and relive now as you write THAT one feeeeeeeeeeeeel!!!!!!!!

Wrapped away in his arms and HOW!!!!!!!

Longest youve ever been without holding him!!!!!!!!!

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