Tuesday 26 July 2022

All feeeels!!!!!!

 All this while there has been that wait some song some music he might like save that could make all this better for you and make you feel otherwise just like his dreams do.....just so you can connect the dream him to the real him andbfeeel less of a lunatic.....

This beautiful confusion this morning after the waaaaay you wake up with that much him all over you not just in your mind...... like you were still are all him cause there' was that much him this morning.....like struggle to think straight today a lil bit of work and that need to just head over to prashasan nagar like uts been one of your most loved places specially when it's raining .....there are these newly done up connected roads at the prashasan place that feeeeels like those drives with him....

Itvwas raining that beauuuutifully today and finally play out loud his lucky Ali in the car that def shocked Venky!!!!

As you keep asking to turn up the volume as you turn other side of the car with your face at the back looking at the rains through the back view glass.....singing along like it in a way felt like from keeping your mind off from feeeeling him too much after seeing something to just going with the feeeeeels andvtaking it all again to just not be your mind after all.......

And making up fr0 the lost lucky Ali days and playing it out loud with the rains and the roads looking that beautiful!!!!!

This love for drives cause they bring him along every single time.....even as you were living that beauty of the rains iver the glass the waaaay all youcouod seee feeeel awaaay was him.....hisbface his smiles his that one nod knowing now you were poora lost in him!!!!!!

Times like these and you miss knowing how to drive the most!!!!!

If only you could just atke off and go find all his places he used to take you to first chummi place the THE opera the Orr route like evry corn3r of Evey place of his to be just with his music playing!!!!!!!!

Prolly the only time you miss knowing how to drive!;!!!!

The second you mention these places like with evry place thatvone glimpse and version of him ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeeeee you sexy lil big adooooiirable thing how only you wr4e kissed abhiiii k abhiiii!!!!!

When missed becom3s auto correct kissed and you still let it be as it is cause that's how it's feeeeeeli ng like !!!!!!!!!

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