Friday 22 July 2022

Leap of faith...!

 Mind had been feeling strange lately.....

It's that sudden shift of something inside you and the way it makes you rethink away evrything and that one sudden realisation last week ever since you started writing him out he stopped meeting was the strangest realisation that hits you suddenly maybe cause these few months guru purnima and this month the way it takes you back to that meet at his other place.....with that ting bolke realisation lil did you know tab this is how it'll be like to go without seeing him!!!!!!

And right amidst everything thus other realisation hits you!!!! Donno why or how and it also all the more makes you stay away from writing hoping something!!!!!

It's this thing bout heart and love charlie it can make you do the craziest of things in the world without logic or reasoning which you definitely wouldn't do otherwise for nothing at all!!!!!!

That's how are the ways of love i suppose.....

So yeah back to the dream, it now feels like one run but the way in the dream it felt like the longest prolly all these years of running i suppose the way it felt like all of night him holding your hand running along keeps loking at you with that one smile glued on him same like he used to when he would ask you not to get off his lap on those drives and just smile awaaaaay that one smile of his like make you lay that way over his lap and tell you I'll let you know when we are there....

Like he was taking you somewhere you love and mostly it always used to be opera....

That one same smile of his ij the dream too as he runs along keeps loking at you with that one ditooo smile of his...

And you look around and there were these wall like structures all around in grey tones with white lil star like dots over them.....that same staircase that same cement corner and you suddenly realise it was your terrace .....

Like in the dream your mind the whole vibe of it was your terrace that same conder of his and yours and you ask him how are we going to the other side cause the watchman wokdnt allow and the waaaaay he nods away with that one smile of his andbtakes you to the he knew it was just you and him there it ust felt very different.....

Like in your mind there were these questions doubts how did you get there without the lift without seeing the apartment in your way or the watchman stoping and him being just him nodiding away like he knew he was there with you and it was a then you didn't feel that way but after the waking up and reliving the moments from the dream his expressions his face his smileeeeeees his nods like he knew it was a dream but he was there to reassure you make you feel realise his love for you!!!!!

Something's you write and this sudden feeeeeel ekdum seeee!!!!!!!

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