Wednesday 27 October 2021

To share…!

 Some nites nai bas this beauty to just feeeeel This vibe of this one month every year it just gets all that much more difficult and that beautiful at the same time….difficult cause of that one realisation of that much love and this after and then there’s these moments that you live through the day to that wait for the unblock strangely he always used this time of the year specially like just unblock for a bit and back again last year being the most time he actually didn’t block you back and just bout 2 days before this very day he unblocks you And that feeeel maybe he still remembers too this time too that one wait strangely to the day gone!

At the studio playing his beatles out loud singing along with it amidst work these rushes of his expressions to that moment when you get the final images of the shoot and watching each one of them that one thing first thing like always to share it with him…..

Cause every frame you’d set for each outfit each picture where the photographer being professional himself was quite surprised as you set each one and exactly how you’d wanted it also to include his corners with traces of leaf or greens in almost wvery frame to the makeup and how you wanted the model to look n pose and bigger compliment being when the team mentions bout working with other brands and yet nobody did come up with simple yet beautifully asthetuc shots like these!!!!

There was that sense of being proud of how far you’ve come and grown at your work with your work to just watch the work and love each one of them and miss the only one you that badly wanted to share it with all the things said by the model by the team to just feel this at work today and that constant ring on the mind through the conversation him to just share it with him to just tell him all the way all of that felt that incomplete is when that thing from wake up Sid rushes happiness is only real when shared!!!!

It’s always been back then lilst of things that made you happy to share it with him to this day today to share all that with him was when you missed him in the most differeway possible!!!!

Suddenly smthing and the way it makes you realise the gap the void that’s actually there and your mind sort of covering it all up and away with every other thing that feels like Him for the moment 

How beautifully strange is that for a thought…

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