Monday 25 October 2021

The way anything HIM!!!

 There is nothing in the world there is nobody in the world that affects you means to you the way anything bout Him does!!!!

Nothing different that happened after him but ever since him the way this thing has always been there, constant!

Anything to do with him and the waaaay it just transforms you away and HOW!!!!!

Like that one brush of air swoop and you are gone with the wind!

Him just that and much much more than that in your life!!!!

It’s not that rush he is not that rush that just rushes inside of you it’s the way it paints you over like that one color of him all over you that people can actually visually see the change good or bad….

Like suddenly you go all quiet not a word not an expression like that blank face blank mind kinda day to this day today where your Khushi was that visible and that one word the way your face all of you suddenly just changed is exactly what the manager calls it as like suddenly you are all blank and today it’s like you are rained over look at your face and that’s exactly how and what you felt on the inside…..

Painted away with all things Him I say!!!!

How what why donno howww but just is the way it’s always been this way…


Ayyyaaaaaaa him!!!!!!!

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