Sunday 31 October 2021

Echo of his name…

 From that moment of knowing there was a Chetan in the house after years that one echo of his name and you ask the manager if he had any nickname cause the waaaaay just the waaaaay everytime that one call out and the waaaay it was making your heart feel like on a jump rope roll constantly and the EPIC moment of the morning being when the cook makes aloo paratha with chutney for breakfast the second you see it on the table mom at the table watching Chetan sit right next to you still looking at you that was one of the most complicated situations you’ve been in recently!!!!

Bout to eat Chetan still watching you eat and you push his plate towards him and he pushes it back to you opens the mouth in a way asking you to feed him instead nod back and push back the plate towards him again and he repeats the same thing over again those few moments charlie that one feeeeeeel of him through n through in those few mins there was just him ayaaaaaa just him rushing through you that beauuuutifully!!!!

His face you feeding him his fav aloo paratha and the way it used to make him happy like nothing else could!!!! To watching him get possessive when you pet another dog saying tu apne lucky ku cheat karrri uske absence mein like that feeel has always been there stayed with you even much after!!!!

Even now!!!!

To finally when the manager done with her call joins you’ll and then tries to feed him and he instead puts his plate again close to yours turns to you wanting you to feed instead that one moment the position you were in beyond words I say!!!!

To the next sec when the manager says oh ya right it’s chetan after all!!!!

And you had to give in finally the sec you feed him the bit of Paracha that one Khushi on the kids face just made you happy strangely!

It was different it was that beautifully ironic!!!!

There’s no kid in the world too charloe that could ever match up or even come close to that kid you knew the most adooooorable one and only one on the face and everything of this planet I say!!!!!

There never was there cannot possibly be anybody else like him ayyaaaaaaaaaa that one adoooooorable face I say very single time you used to feed him smthing paratha Gulaab jamun sandwich sweet anything at all just that one face he would make every single time chew slower smile more eyes going all ambeingsuperadorable and I know it kinds!!!!!

From that moment to dropping the kid back your smile just there him that beauuurifuy rushing through you how lucky does someone really ought to be to get some wish fulfilled I say!!!  How lucky someone have to be to live Him!!!!!

Stil be able to live him!!!!!!!!

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