Friday 22 October 2021


 Moments like these!

Mornings like these!!!!!

This dream from this morning again exactly opposite to what the situation actually looked like the way he comes and the way he stays much after the dream too now middle of shower this need to just pause and write it out!!!!!!

It’s this thing bout flow of some moments and then this reality bit of your dream side….

His pictures stories on birthday and this one looked like he is with someone with flight love thing over to these adooooorable pics with different kids and him looking the most adorable it’s the way he is charlie and everytime this one feel goes out how lucky truly lucky is that kid there the way he held the kid to that lil cute girl there or the other one there!!!!!

People just like that got that lucky noo!

With that mention of special human which is absolutely is in every sense of the word!!!!!!

Everything bout him makes him special in every way possible…

But after this that numb feeling that same not to be there feel not needed anymore feel and you again for the zilliontm time that step back and delete from WhatsApp 

Like suddenly nothing made any sense anymore why be there when not required 

Then that wish that one Khushi to just see him happy and more than his love for you, his Khushi that Khushi is what you’ve always hoped and wished for and he is now…and you being around anyway didn’t make sense anymore!

Then there was this dream today his voice the way he was holding onto you nodding away and what he said stayed with you smthings they feel so much you rather not write bout it so re reading it wouldn’t feel so much otherwise!

How do these moments feel so real like what you see smthing is smthing else to the way you feel bout these moments with him…..

Just the feeeels it left you with!

To much later when the manager comes over gives you the fone to check some expenses and calculation and the first thing you see his account private now!

The only way that you could live him was gone too!

The only way!!!!!!! And gone!!!!!!!

This feeeling now it’s weird like it’s that time of the year feeling this weird moving to the next page…..

It’s that kind of calm leaves of a big tree rustling the sound that it makes it’s a lot of sound but the kind of too much sound that calms you in a way…

That kinda calm!!!!!

People just like that get THAT lucky?!

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