Sunday 17 October 2021

Details, it’s all in the details Chico!

 It’s this one quote godfather or scar face if not wrong how do you tel a person loves you it’s all in the eyes Chico they never lie!!!!!

And everytime on any page you read this quote till Tia date it’s always ALWAYS that moment that rushes through you every single moment of him looking at you right from the very start that first time till the recent one just the way he used to look at you like he may not say a thing in those post bup meets but always the way he used to look at you and that smile of his every single time that comes after looking at you LOVE!!!!!

Standing at a distance not a word nothing just the way he would loook at you it’s when you feel the love that THAT much looooove on the inside like instead of the blood it’s suddenly alllll loooove of his rushing through you gushing through you like you can suddenly feel that transformation in that very instance that switch from the gush of blood to that rush of his love for you 

And aoooooo yaaah ever since reading discovering that quote from the movie to reading it finding it every time it’s all Him and that love for the name Chico with the quote and you name your most fav biggest plant at studio Chico!

It’s the details charlie be it in the studio corners or just randomly through the day or this song maeri it’s him it’s all him that you feel and more so this one month like your mind is literally taken over with all aanythung to everything him just him!!!!

Like you can feel ut can’t think straight can’t work despite of the last week hectic sheducle the way the mind was still on that afloat mode that beauuutifully him high mode that you had to keep dragging it back to work and ut just wouldn’t work I say!!!!

Music sound of his music it’s like the more you write and the less it’ll always seem like!!!!!

That almost magic like wonder of his music and the way you find him in places with sound…

It’s that feeeeeel charlie no matter how low the sound is it’s like even a hint of that sound that you can barely hear and just knowwww it’s his song cause the waaay some song whisper made you feeeeel him and just know if you barely hear even just know it’s his music….

Like who plays wake up sid tracks even today but it happens who bhi of al the months it’s in this very month at the store wake up Sid track playing and the way the sound just holds your hand and moves you away offf n away from the world head out and just be with him just him all him rushing through you his smiles his faces his echoes of mimicry his hands his forehead his nose every lil beauuuutiful detail of him rushing through you and how ayyyyaaaaaaaaaa smthings you write and this feeeeeeeeeel it can suddenly fill you up with!!!!!!!!


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