Wednesday 27 October 2021

That one face!!!!

 There are a billion godzillion amount of people in the world and how how just like that that one face becomes the world to you that one face in the crowd becomes your own that one face a Khushi like no other that constant search for that one face I say!!!!!

To just live his presence live his details ayaaaaaa that Love it was!!!!

Even in the songs you listen the way his every expression still there as you listen to the wordings specific word specific line and how he would sing it how his expression used to be like in that specific line to the way his head would tilt on that specific side only to some songs making him that happy to live his lost happy face to that lil high face ayaaaaaa him I say heart of your life always been!!!!!!

To love someone is one thing but to live someone as you love them is another thing altogether!!!!!

U just wanna know live those details that are random, easily missed by the others like finding the corners finding the spaces that others don’t can’t, living each one of them apart from the obvious ones corners of their faces their body the overall being!!!!

To see to live to love the unseen unloved bits too!!!!

Loving them living them with every single thing they come with!!!!

This mind feels, is starting to feel very different niladri and This him high I say the way it takes your mind takes the missing to another level only!!!!!

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