Friday 8 October 2021

The Tara moment!

After writing this missing it fills you now with this one month I say!!!!!!!

Back to the day today designing something with him on mind and missing him the most when on!

His signature face after long, this one outfit you really missed him seeing you in the most after a very long time!!!!

Saved it must be!

To coming back home with this new different state of mind cause the missing felt that diffferent today taking you back to dressing up only when to meet him today designing beautiful outfits it’s still the same you oversized shirts and this one you try and the only thing you missed the most him by your side to see you in it!!!!

Some wishes nai as lil as they are as random as they are you just know how it used to make you feel back then!!!!

Who hota nai to be that way only with that one someone cause that’s how they make you feel make you feel the most you you e ever been!

Coming back home late the sec you come in the room play his music and that very second thunder and starts to rain wild!!!!

It’s that beautiful smthing to be added on to what and how you already were feeling!!!!

Maybe cause you saw yourself that way after ages felt beautiful inside out and that one same search same wander to find him in that moment looking at yourself in the mirror !!!!!

The loud beautiful roar of the sky that perfect timing I say!

Finding your home finding Him in moments like these…!

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