Friday 8 October 2021

Inside your mind!

When you come over to write your state of mind with too many things runnning and this feeeeeeling every single time as you hold on and read a post or two why reading your own mind your own feelings what goes inside your head sometimes leaves you with numb kinda feel this self pity feel it’s weird nai… in your head it feels different it feels more real now when you read your own state of mind this weird self pity feeling here ajeeb nai!

It’s this feeeeeeel charlie that feels so so so strong something like you haven’t felt in years of missing him but this feel lately feels different feels strong like it has a hold on all of you not just your mind or memory….like it holds away all of you away and how the sec anything bout him just touches you away ever so slightly and the way it takes all of you away and how like that strong brush of wind with just one swoop and gone you are!!!!

It’s this song lately ironically hauntingly beautiful!

When apart still feels like home…

Story of your life literally even in his absence something bout him smthing to do with him still fills up for it where you still find your home find Him in moments sounds visuals n visions!!!!

Still finding your way finding your home filling up for the absence with anything to everything that makes you feel him live him even be it for a bit that moment that sound that visual is your home finding Him there!!!!!

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