Wednesday 27 October 2021

To C Him!!!!

Still with the team discussing bout the next one and someone shares a series of ouctures that we can work with and one of them being themed with gulmohars there was sudden smile on your face like you could sense that sudden Khushi that one rush of him get off n away for a bit his music plugged in stay in your corner of the studio for a bit the waaaaay just the waaaaay his face zoomed in version of his face was all you could see live today everytime you blink the waaaay he was just there charlie like you could see him that clear through n through the day instead of faces around of random people the way all you could see everytime a moment like this was just him that beauuutifully just him!!!!

Finally done at work late back home ur manager bout to leave and you ask her to stay back today too her more than happy you even more happier than her with that one wait to see him again it’s today after all the day you realised his love for you and even more importantly when it tinged you that you were in love with him your first and only love of life I say!!!!!

That one wait for her to give her fone to yih for some reason and that very moment the head of the photographer calls and just her mention and you fataaaak se say I’ll talk gives you the fone heads to the washroom that one rush to disconnect the call and just see him and there he was a picture of his at some Aparna place maybe a few kms away from here cause you did hear bout it that one feeeeeeeel charlie ayaaaaaaa itteee aas pass hai to that one bun of his ayyaaaaaaa everytime you see him that one feeeeel there’s your heart in tee n jeans over the call that’s where your heart is!!!!!

To his jeans folded as yours his voice that one beauuutiful echo of his voice from that meet as you get off the bed and he notices lil stones over and shows you em tu ye leke aye to just watching you fold them again before leaving and that one stare with that one signature smileeeeee of his ayyaaaAAAAAAA HOWLEEEEEEEEEEEwriting writing how only You are being missed I say!!!!!!!!!!!

The way just the waaaaaaay he would stand and just look at you that one nod of his and then that sigh beautiful sigh and goes so messy ree….followed by that adoooooooorabke scream at you terkuu alter Karane nai hota uskuu and you just nod back saying a no!!!!

Just the waaaay he would just be that way and live your presence in moments like these just watching you be just be yourself and the way even that used to make him that happy!!!!

It’s the same you who is that particular bout the studio interiors of the studio being that spik n span but when it comes to you the same messy….

How things change you change in many ways but that core of you your existence is something you can’t really change with time or circumstances that remains the same….

Today to just live him in that picture with the loudest sigh possible ayaaaaaaaa itteeee aju baju!!!!!

His presence to just live him probably the most loved thing habit hobby call it anything of your life I say!!!!!

The level of Khushi it used to give you was something else only!!!!!!!

Just beyond !!!!!!!!

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