Monday 25 October 2021


 Him holding his headfone close to your ears standing that close waiting for your reaction over his music that expression of his from that very moment still this beautifully clear…

The second you shut your eyes for a bit to feel the music and open your eyes to see him still living your presence and that one smile of his assured of you liking it and moves away gets back to his workout with his music still with you and keeps watching you beech beech mein after the song head back to him saying how to replay the track ayyaaaaa that Khushi of his in that moment you should’ve seen charlie just cause earlier you kept saying didn’t underStand his music to that day that moment when you ask him to play the song again on his iPod he shows you how to do the same and you don’t get it initially and he says you must learn how to it’s going to be with you more often now - his iPod!

To see him without his iPod was like literally watching someone without clothes cause that for him was THAT essential never for a second did you ever see him without his headfone and there he was wanting you to discover his world of music music that he loved THAT much!!!!!

From that day the way this one bond this one smthing you’ve shared with his music , it’s life to you now…..

Niladri and lucky ali being the most special ones when you miss him bad mad crazy!

Listening to the strings of niladri is like literally living him in person in that moment he is there with you even in the vocals it’s like his voice like you feel him so sooooo much with the sound…..smthing in a way that you can’t possibly explain or describe our in words it’s that beautifully surreal!!!!

Almost magic like !!!!!!

Eyes shut his music playing is like what living his presence used to feel like like literally watching him a step Away from you just bout to hold him away hide away in him it’s that moments before finding him and finding yourself back again just seconds before holding him and the more you write now this feeeeel I say!!!!!

Of all the dates this day this very day the 26th that changed it all away for you one movie one day complete day!!!!!!

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