Friday 8 October 2021

This one month!

 This one month that just transformed you your life away and HOW!!!!!

Every year this one wait for this one month of your life I say!!!!!

The way it all comes back right from the very start and from the day the sec the calendar goes 1st October !!!!!!

This love for this month I say that literally gave you Him in many ways than one…one most important one being his birthday the day that gave you him to the date 27th that gave you his love for life!!!!!

Nothings ever changed ever since then….

Only the love keeps growing every year with every year passing by you end up loving him a lil more than the previous one you end missing him a lik more than the previous one…..

It’s the way these days of this month make you feel it’s like this is why yih still feel the way you do bout him this is why you still love him the way you do and nothing no one could ever replace that!!!!!

Not even for a moment nobody looking similar sounding similar nothing not even close to the way you felt feel bout him to the way he made you feel!!!!

There was nothing those initial days and yet his presence the very first time itself without even seeing his face made you just stand there hold you there in that moment and just stay watch him watch that walk take those steps literally towards you with his head down and you just standing there and for the first time in your life actually staring at someone some guy and just stay there that way only after he comes that close waiting for you to move so he could take that step closer Looks up and then shows you down in a way saying he is taking that step and you still stand there looking at him lost in him and that smile for the first time when he realises you just wouldn’t move is when you realise you were actually living some guy that close to you and you move and this time he stays a for bit and then moves to the changing room you still lost in him and he turns around knowing you still must be looking at him that moment there and today still that lost in him I say!!!!!!

Anything else anything at all and you have the worst possible memory again when it comes to him the way he is just there charlie all these moments with him anything to do with him the way it all llllll is just there this beauuuutifully still there!!!!

Some theory on this one page bout female spirit saying women have this instinct of knowing body wise where they belong the place the person where they can sense they do belong like it’s ok it’s right to be there kinda vibe that they feel…..

It’s exactly how and what you always felt like no place else you did try even in just a meet the way body wise there was this feeling this sense of being pulled away and out of that pace or presence….. it’s that feeel of not belonging there the way it pulled out yourself that sense of being withdrawn and away!!!!

With him it’s always right from the very start that sense that feel of being held that sense of belonging that need to just stay to just be in that moment there in his presence the way his touch being the first n only one ever since then that felt safe that felt it’s all you needed that felt that right that made you feel safe!!!!!

Kabi hua he nai andar se whi wali feeel charlie cause it’s not the touch you missed not any touch, it was his that you missed not any love not being loved by anybody it was his that you missed!!!!

It’s like the only place where you ever belonged…!

There are these moments when somebody random when out turns around looks at you stares at you in a complimentary way that is to when checking colours on you that smile of somebody random when some colour looks good it’s these moments where you miss him….it’s being stared by him you miss being complimented by him being LOVED by him yih miss!!!!!

Today too this one colour of your dreams literally and you try it on low on neck and you cover it with your hair away but the way it just looked on you like after a very long time that feel of not even dressing up and yet some outfit made you feel beautiful inside and in that very moment that one wish hoping he had seen you in that!!!!

Like always when anything looks good on you that one wish hoping he had seen you in it!!!!

It’s these strangest of wishes moments that you live through and then when write it out and read it later this very feel it leaves you with!!!!!

Things like these don’t happen aise he charlie it’s only when you have been that THAT loved you by nature tend to long for the same love cause in your heart n soul you know always knew that’s the only place that’s the only one person you belonged to regardless of absence or presence the way and how you feel on the inside every single time the only person place you ever belonged to!!!!!!!

His expressions his voice tones of voice in different situations or with specific words the things that would make him happy or frown to his random most of moments this one month and the way it comes along every year!!!!!!

October the most loved month of your Life!!!!!!!

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