Monday 25 October 2021

His sound of music…

 This noon when you decide to stay home instead like you just needed to be on your own away from everything else just on your own….

It wasn’t a sad upset state of mind as such charlie you were just blank clueless generally bout life just clueless basically….

Standing out in the balcony with his music playing looking out and the manager beside you is when you realise she was home and she hands over her fone and asks you to check some pictures from the promotional still of your outfit sourced for someone by ritu… and you just give her fone back saying you’ll check it later cause in your mind there was that what’s the point of her fone now his acc was private….

Strangely at the table eating something and again keeps saying the same word are check at least check pls and stuff but that one word ringing felt strange it in a way strange way was like one of those movie scenes that has a sign hidden behind a scene like a purpose a message sort of thing that people tend to ignore same ditto vibes where just the word check atleast kept echoing like from a mountain top or you weee just plain high on his music but that one word check and you finally do as she gets on another call with stylist and there it was public again and auyyaaa that one Khushi I swear it’s howlaapana you know but smthings nai just can’t!!!!

That being the only way to live him shamelessly hit away the beloved circle that same vibe on his way back to Hyderabad that felt like being with him again in the most beautifully ironic of ways a few songs later was the lucky Ali one his lucky ali o sanam track ayyaaaaa the waaaay the heart jumped I say!!!!

From that visual of the cloud to just that sound of his music of his lucky ali every moment of listening to him humm along his lucky ali tracks start to rush back the waaaaay he used to sing away that beauuutifully charloe ayyyaaaaaaaa his voice also!!!!!! Has my heart I say!!!!!!!

There are some moments that strangely madly feel like they were your own that moment as crazy as it sounds writing now still very very crazy felt like your own…

Even as you read your own state of mind in that moment now still crazy but felt like your own…

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