Wednesday 20 October 2021

This one day…!

 Every single year this very day and that one heart shoutout poore dilse thank you aunty!

His birthday today!!!!

There is this huge mix of emotions every single year this day on the day that literally gave you him if it wasn’t for him forcing you to take you out this very day…..

This one day his birthday the beauuuuutiful most wonder of your life and the world I say!!!!!

It’s like no other day on the calendar just the thought of it!!!!

Last few days that hectic with the shoot ahead and of all the dates on the calendar when the shoot guys give this only and very date available for the shoot - 21st October and that heart jump of a moment…

Doing up the last min bits at the studio decor wise designs wise listing out outfits managing everything and then on your way to get last min flowers and others and this turn the new drover takes saying from here onwards it’ll be less of traffic manager looks at you in wonder cause the street had no lights then this one turn at 36 Jubilee Hills and this one huge beautifully lit board outside the house on the dark Street that says Mount Opera and the house number it’s that feeeeeeling charlie when as it is your mind you are literally struggling to get your mind to focus on work being his birthday being it October and then this one huge sign board who bhi aaj he that one feeeeeel I say!!!!!

Evening already made, him this strongly in moments !!!! 

The one day where you feel tooooo many things and all at once that one struggle that one restlessness where you want to wish him to that feel you shouldn’t cause he had asked yo not to to that block soon after you messaged a week…..

It’s his birthday after all most of you feels there is that block also rest of you sighs over!!!!!

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