Friday 1 May 2020

when you realize !!

there are things you know already that very well bout yourself.....

and then there are moments that just sort of pause for a bit where evrything around just stops abrubtly not the good kind of stop but the weird kinda stop.....

today out for a walk and it was one of the most beautifully glorious of evenings today with the air and smell in the air and with that feeeeeel of his dream still on your mind it all felt that different.....

with yash walking around and one turn and you were walking a lil ahead of yash and suddenly he just holds your hand asking you to take a look at smthing.....

that was the stop moment that was the moment you just stopped looked a lil behind yash standing there pointing towards smthing still saying smthing you just looking at him standing there and all those flashes of Him holding your hand watching Him stand beside you living those kinda moments with Him rush through you.... then you look at your hand in his and that feeeeeeeeeeling to just see your hand in an unknown unbelonged to kinda territory....

yash looks back at you calls your name out and then shakes your hand asking you if you were okay..... comes a lil close and that was when it all starts to break frame after frame.....

your mind the illusion that you were sort of liking cause it made you live Him.....

and you just nod and try to walk away and thats when yash sounding worried comes after you asking if you were okay and you just stop and tell him you werent feeling too well and had to head back home.... and he insists on walking back with you and tell him not to.....

the walk back home coming back home and in your room it made you realize n want to change things again......

its that thing charlie you dont wanna treat someone the way youve been treated like you know cause you know how that feels like and thats what you dont wouldnt want anybody else to feel like....

be it this moment today or the moment from the dream yesterday or day before it was cause you dreamt the same similar thing almost twice.... did serve like an eye opener almost !!

like you know make you see realize smthing you couldnt !!

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