Sunday 24 May 2020

Weirder to be this weird?!

is it really weird to be this weird like you know deviate switch drift from the actual reality and just sway awaaay to what and how you feel in that very moment or moments through the day ?!

like you know consider that part of your life even in the waking state to be your reality and the rest of it as just another bad dream that you are dreaming after the waking up.......

been very very VERY long since felt this way......

like today right from the very start obvsly after that one beautiful most beautifully weird dream of His....

like just through the day this beautiful state of mind that you were in that beautiful vibe of the day like you could just feeeeeel it in the air as you breathe....

you were happy, just happy...

like the smile on not just on the outside but on the inside too.......

where you know it was just a dream where you knew it was just a coincidence that you found that song from one of those skype calls of his from 2-3 years back..... as you were brushing today !!

like right in the middle of it out of nowhere when you randomly play ben bohmr's mixed playlist and there was this one song that was playing at his place in bombay in that skype call....

today after all these years you find it out of nowhere like you know those lil'st of Him through your day.....

is this normal to feeeeeeel this way.....

its been waaaaaay too long waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too very long since youve felt this way.....

VERY LONG TIME !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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