Friday 1 May 2020

Too many things !!

one of those nights when theres too much on your mind too many things to share too many things to write out and also when you donnooo shuruu kahaa se karnaa....

and if you can really get your mind out and then be okay to read it after writing it out.....

beauty of the nites you somehow can never get over or get used to .....

specially after it has been rained on !!

again the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay every rain leaves you with !!!!!!!!!

waaaaaaaaaaaay tooooo much of Him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like as it is theres that much him rushing through you and then there are the rains..... it all gets that much more beautifully worse and beautiifully different.....

whoo hota nai charlie ekdum seee it takes all of you every bit of you to another level only.....

with every drop of rain you relive all those rains that you missed Him with..... its that different the waaay they just replay before you as you live the rains.....

it just gets different now with every rain.....

this state of mind you sometimes you dont wanna write out and also this strange need to write this very state of mind.....

hoping it gets a lil better....

experiences charlie they tell you a lot, things you dint know would feel like things you werent sure would feel like or this is how and what you really were looking for....

they leave with a lesson with a read chapter that you somehow were looking for through the pages...... when you know you are rambling around but pata nai why or what this state of mind you jsut donnoooo how to write out......

it feels ajeeb later on a lil more lunatic with every time you post something like this....

to dream this way to feel things this way to still go and live this way !!!!!!!

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