Monday 4 May 2020

To being just Him....

for lunch and you ask the manager if she would join you for walks around apartment in the evenings.... and after much she finally says a yes.....

late in the nite out for a walk and yash again comes over and this time you just switch sides and land up in a way that she in the middle and you walk after a few mins yash finally leaves saying it was late now....

there was that thing charlie you dint wanna be rude neither could you come up with you have someone in life kinda talk and maybe this way did get it.....

rounds later the moon that beautiful with those beautiful circles around almost halo like with a hint of green around and as you just be there admiring the beauty of it with his music that very moment flock of his white star like birds flew across....

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeel of a day like this one that beautifully complete.....

your lil lilst fractions of happiness....

like from the very start the waay the morning felt like to being Him finally in that outfit that you that baddddddly wanted to fit.... to posting your first ever selfie pic over insta.....

cause you never do with that thing of why random likes over selfie kinda weird.....

and today this moment this day you just had to document !!!!!!!!

it was of one of your another one of your most longed moments to be lived with Him, be it in the dream bhi.... to you it meant the world !!!!!!!!!!

like THE WORLD charlie !!!!!!!!!!!

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