Sunday 24 May 2020


not sure where to start this one from cause last few days not been good, like you are doing your best for this thing inside of you to settle like you know get back to nromal again....

and with work now on mostly one working day in three days like you are making sure of that with no walkins at  the studio as of now for time being.... this has been one struggle just so it dont get worse like it was months back......

and you are making sure of that like trying your best to !!!!

and this recent artist that you reallllllllly liked !!!!!!!!!

like the music the words yaha waha its that thing charlie bout music.....

like back then His music it was bout to loving living that side of his that he himself loved the most !!!!!!!!

like music to him was or maybe is everything.... like he has that passion that love for music to another level only.......

where he wouldnt know it himself but you could always see it in him like def more than movies music was smthing that sort of would bring him alive..... like you know the most alive.....

he would talk bout how much he loved movies and it was his passion love life and all that but you could see it in him where it was music more......

like that thing bout watching him talk movies and then to live him with music.....

were like two different things altogether.....

he def looked beauuuuuuuuutiful talking bout his passion for the movies and film making but then there was music it was with music that you did see him come most alive.....

like he would just transform that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully !!!!!!!!!!!!

his most happy beauuuuuuuuutiful calm at peace most alive state like you could see that rawness that like you know that side of him that comes out with music...... most beauuuuuuuuuuuutifully Alive...

and with him back then it was live that side of him to live the inside of Him with his music.....

to came the after the distance the changes and with that his music did become your way of finding looking for his love if still there like you know asking him for his music hoping he would say smthing what he couldnt himself through his music......

to came the complete absence now its your way of filling up that space those spaces of Him with anything Him.....

like you know for that time being you feel his presence like he is still there with and in his music....

like it makes you feel him his presence with and in his music.... is also why you stalk and only look for his youtube channel..... for that hint of his presence to just feel him for that moment with his music.....

is also why you cant go on without music no matter where you are what you are doing even be it working or in a meet like his music is a part of you..... or any music that makes you live him live any part of him part of any memory....

its this thing charlie like you play music any track thats his or a track that makes you feel him live him its like he comes alive with you like he is there with you like you know you arent alone anymore..... like he is there...... no matter where you are what you are doing !!!!!!!

its weird fcked up madness and yet this beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this recent track that you loved talks bout divin into someone like the lyrics part of it goes like having seen the future once and with no distance to the changes now lands someone losing themselves losing someone.....

and this hauntingly beautiful vibe of the track.....

its that vibe that move that it almost makes you move with that beautiful vibe to it.....

very few words lines but almost says it all......

having lived him his love and all of him and then to live with this absence..... to this change now it was more like you lost the most you losing him cause you were the most you the actual you with Him.....

to that diff vibe that plays through your mind with the track...... losing yourself in him divin in all Him......

words like these sounds this thing bout music again like it awakens a part of the memory or a place or someone with just the sound.....

like you listen to smthing close your eyes and vibe with it smtimes its all just blank or too bright and smtimes mostly with you its like some part of you your life Him memory place comes alive......

with this track its that whole vibe of losing yourself in his presence just by his presence and teh way this track brings that one memory of the meet closest to your heart.....

at his versova place.....

maybe cause it was your most loved meet cause you lived his love for you for teh first tme ever since the bup ever since the distance.....

like that was the only time he was allowin you to live all him wanting to be closest ot you wanting you to stay just be there close to him.... like that was the only meet where after moments he dint shut himself off like you know stay away or keep that distance like all he wanted was for you to just be close to him.... just hold him and be that way laying beisde him.....

and that for you your most tim living him with his music playing.....

it was th most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully slowest day of your life.....

the complete day was sort of floating away liivng him every bit of him every lil detail of him and to the closest view possible..... that you could feel the beat of his heart over your hand......

this track brings all that alive..... where the actual purpose of the track is the heartbreak but to you its bout the dive......

who hotaaa nai charlie you hit a play and there you are pooooof gone......

your mind all of you that beauuuuutifully lost and gone.....

like you sort of had to stop listening to it for a bit cause of what it was doing to your mind......

aaaj was different..... not sure if its the wine now or the music it just feeeeels good even writing bout the day now !!!!!!!!!!!!!

lately with all teh changes seen and realized today was different and this was after a very long time......

it was the start and then to find lilst of thinsg through the day like again one of those days designed for you on the calendar sort of thing.....

how beautiful it is to make sense of your own self like you know live moments that maybe nothing at all and yet come back with that feel of knowing what it is the way it is....

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