Monday 4 May 2020

Lil fractions of Happiness...

you dont need much to be really happy like you know know in the heart kinda happy.....

and for you toh its that much more tiniest like the lilst of Him in ways that you longed to see him to live him to feel his presence to feel his love to live his love to just be with him !!!!

is all that takes that can sort of land you in the happiest of worlds.....

it was one of those kinda days today....

when the start itself was this beautiful and almost magic like....

when youve had a day like this one and you that baaaaaadly want to write it out and the net dosnt seem to work fine with dcing beech beech mein and you call the net guy and they are not allowed inside the premises for the same reason....

its that sudden feeeeeeeeeeeeel of what now how now....

smthings you writeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooooooo yaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mostly in situations like these google is second best help....

google it out on the fone and it works better.....

smthings i tell you when you sit down to actually fix the wire yourself watching some video is whennnnnnnnn you know how much how veryyyyy much did the day today mean t oyou !!!!!!!!!


its like when you are low or just bout okay you sort of tend to pull towards the tiniest amount of happiness that you manage to find to get through what you are going through....

today was one of those days....

and the state of mind today, you can almost feel the heart smiling...

cause it was one of those zillion trillion godddddzillion of moments things that you wanted to do with him, even be it for the dream bhi you did live it......

this prolly was the second time you had a similar dream like this one !!

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