Friday 1 May 2020

Peace in moments....

with so much going on and the negativity and deaths that come around.....

there are moments things that you look for peace in... like you know try smthing new do smthing anything like His fav tee had the word on.....

it is for real....

there are moments any moment when you feel that peace in..... like suddenly there is that much peace that you suddenly are filled with....

its different from the noise to that sudden calm....

be it after the dream the waking up and you just lay there still looking to  that corner of the pillow and still picture him there with that smile n nod of his.....

there is that difference....

you sure knew that was a weird dream that dint make any sense cause knowing him he is not never the chasing or coming after kinds.....

you wouldnt but even if you did he is never the kinds who would actually come after like he would stay with what he felt for you and not come after.....

like you know the difference the reality and yet some moments just do that to you......

like that real that beauuuuuuuuuuutifully real like he was jsut there secs back and then you just lay there continuing picturing him there and just be.....

there is that beautiful calm in moments like these....

or the calm that comes with words smtimes.....

this post on one of your most loved pages that goes nobody can love you as fiercely as i do.....

smthing on the similar lines.....

again smthing that he did tell you the almost same thing at his versova place....

in that meet....

between the moment the way he just stops and holds your face and tells you looking you in the eye nobody can care for you love you the way i do.....

remember this !!

and today as you read those words that echo of his voice that rush of that moment very face and expression of his from that moment the way it wasnt jus bout the moment but like he was telling you to make you realize......

again when you now dont feel like writing bout that meet anymore specifically and yet moments like these.....

you just cant help !!!!!!

even now this feeeeeling as you still write and relive that meet.....

smthings !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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