Monday 18 May 2020


these few days or months actually did leave you with tooo many realizations that all these years dint....

shouldve know this right then tabhi only when you dint get a reply from him during times like these....

or even asking if you were okay n all....

but it took those few likes to know that to see that to realize that change....

again this thing bout visuals like they literally can open your eyes nai.....

like to see it literally see the change.....

is when you finally realize.....

that change was with you, Him still that same beauuuutiful self that he always was, with that same way of his loving someone.....

today when you see thenews bout work and all that one big BIG sigh of relief like that ultmate level of happiness getting back to work like knowing atleast now for a while you can sort of get away from that feeling.....

it will again take you days but still working on it....

but the way even writing it now the way it keeps going back to that one echo inside mein kabhi matter he nai kari charlie all this while all these years you still had that he has changed with time maybe kinda logic to your own..... seeing that change in him in every meet almost the way he made sure not to make you feel like you still did matter to him like meeting you did matter like he made sure that.... maintaining his distance with you moments after.....

and you still held on to tat maybe he did change with time......

and only now years later do you realize , it was with you !!!!!!!!!!!!!

like the more youw rite now the weirder again all this is feeeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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